VDI Insights: Have You Designed Your Life Yet?



-Tim Murphy

Have you designed your life yet?

That's the question you should be asking yourself because when I was 25 years old, just out of college, I sat down and designed mine from that day forward. I was on a mission to make my dream come true. My dream life on my terms, and today, I have achieved the goals I set for myself.

Today, I have redesigned the next phase of my life.

I invite you to join me on my journey. As I share everything I have learned. I am documenting my journey at www.vdipodcast.com.

And this is just the beginning. If you have been following me, you know this has been a work in progress over the last year.

Well, we are getting closer to our next step and to say I'm nervous is an understatement.

Just like when I was 25 years old, trying to figure out how I was going to live life on my terms, today I am trying to figure out how I am going to live my legacy over the last year.

Life has beaten me down and I have fought to get back up. Life has tested me and educated me. Most of all, life has given me a gift and I don't want to squander it. If there is one thing I've discovered on my journey, the greatest compensation one can receive for their actions comes from making a positive impact on someone else's life. That's why VDIPodcast.com. That's why Value Driven Investor.

I believe the only way I can live my legacy is by sharing my journey and showing others my way.

Why am I nervous?

I will be judged and judgment can be our kryptonite.

I've experienced it, seen it and talked to people who are going through it.

It has taken the soul of many and destroyed the dreams of countless others. I feel judgment upon me. It's scary.

Unfortunately, at times, judgment is paralyzing.

It leads me to a choice, jump or hide.

I am choosing jump. I hope you will jump with me. Please follow www.vdipodcast.com.

Life is a journey. It's full of experiments. You make mistakes, you fall down, and you succeed.

You fail. But as long as you don't quit, anything is possible.

For those of you who have kept in touch with me. I love you. And I appreciate all the support that you've given me over the years because if it wasn't for your support and the strength you have given me, who knows what I'd be doing right now. So I want each and every one of you to know that as we build out the Value Driven Investor Podcast, as we build out the Value Driven Investor community, we are only in the beginning. Just like you are only at the beginning of your initial stages of becoming a Value Driven Investor and becoming the person you want to be, living life on your terms.

So I'm joining you. I'm walking side by side with you, and each step of the way we can do this together.

Join us.



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